KEEP IN MIND : the contrast in BLM ✊🏾 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS being charged with #terrorism & languishing in fn jail; whilst #TRUMPTERRORISTS – with their ties to #lawenforcement, #hategroups condemned by FBI for being #whitesupremacist #terroristgroups – which not only pose the NUMBER ONE ☝️ THREAT to #publicsafety in this country 🇺🇸. The #Jan6 #capitolrioters are – so far, in my research – GETTING A SLAP 👋 ON THE WRIST – usually #misdemeanor #trespassing charges & the like. The fn bunt who #stolePelosisLaptop GOT A LECTURE & WENT HOME W/HER MUMMY!!!! WHERES THE FN #JUSTICE IN THAT, I say!! #BlackLivesMatter – & #AllLivesMatter & #BlueLivesMatter – but not in this case the #CapitolPolice officer #BrianSicknick, who was #bludgeoned to death 💀 w/fire extinguisher by these fn #trumptards. WHY THE F ISNT #tRump & the rest of these traitors fn thrown in prison, immediately? That’s my question. Someone please do something about that! Call 📞 Congress ! Flood Congress w/calls! It’s free & easy to do- and safe,even! So call 📞 202-224-3121 & give em HELL! 🇺🇸