Fuck #Thanksgiving, btw. In this podcast (link below 👇) we listen to #HowardZinn’s #PeoplesHistoryOfTheUnitedStates, a #classic that I propose as part of the #newnationalcurriculum.
This is a book Mr ass-dump Nazi #tRump wanted to ban – because it would make Whitey think too much about his ugly #COLONIZER past, obviously; and maybe have to pay #reparations to all #POC.
America’s #TrueHistory is ugly as sin itself, but y’all need to hear it -the bare, naked truth, the unpolished turd.
Ch1 describes the GENOCIDE “#TotalCruelty” #Columbus carried out in the #NewWorld in #1492- on the kind, gentle people of #Hispaniola – modern-day #Haiti, #Cuba and #DominicanRepublic. It is particularly tragic that just recently we (#fjb) – the #UnitedStates deported THOUSANDS of #Haitianrefugees, which I CONDEMN as #Trista4SenateGov&Prez, having denied these poor people their #internationalhumanright to apply for #asylum in this country. It’s also particularly brutal as USA is resp. for it.
#Columbus raped, looted and plundered for #gold and #slaves. In his letters, he brags about the brisk trade in young girls he is FN sex-trafficking. No wonder Mr Nazidump #tRump speaks so fondly of #christopherColumbus! They have so much in common! Both #masskillers, unabashed psychopaths. #tRump4Prison #tre45on #brandonwon TRISTA4CHANGE. COM – If u wanna support my work as an artist, SHARE, LIKE & FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! And do YER job as an American 🏈– CALL 🤙 THE FN @WHITEHOUSE – Demand #PresidentBiden’s #DOJ and #USAttorneyGeneral #MerrickGarland slap a$$face #45 with a FLURRY of criminal indictments – obvious choices are #sedition, TRE45ON, of course, #domestictertorism for inviting violence and riots on #jan6 to overthrow the government. GOAL: FN PRISON4tRump; or at bare minimum BAR tRUMP FROM EVER HOLDING OR RUNNING FOR OFFICE AGAIN !!!!!! Y’all want that neonazi turd #OrangeTwitler -#AgolfTwwitler to FN run in #2024 and terrorize the planet for another 4 goddamn yrs of hell??????????????? If u do, YER INSANE & PART OF THE FN PROBLEM https://anchor.fm/trista-di-genova/episodes/HAPPY-INDIGENOUS-PEOPLES-APPRECIATION-DAY–Howard-ZINNs-PEOPLES-HISTORY-OF-THE-UNITED-STATES-e1aqso9