Hi there –
I’m the press secretary for Trista di Genova, who is announcing a ‘hard-hitting, no-shit-taking’ political comedy series originating on Tiktok & Instagram but is now published on FB, too. called the ‘#ThatsWhatsUP’ show- daily 3-5min #comedysketches by Miss di Genova, who is Oxford, Berkeley & Taipei Medical Uni honors grad, in Tucson, AZ.
Miss di Genova is announcing her bid to run for the presidency in 2024. Currently, she is simultaneously running for AZ Governor AND US Senator to replace SenatorSinema with a #truprogressive’
Miss di Genova embraces the Sanders platform but would go farther to prepare the nation for a peaceful transition to a New Economy. In essence, she would #shutitdown, shut down the broken Uber Kapitalist society that is ruining the planet 🌍 , quite literally, & replace it with a better, more just & Democratic one. Her extensive platform is on her website, TRISTA4CHANGE.COM 🇺🇸
With all these years of experiences abroad, & in academia & journalism & teaching & public advocacy, it is quite likely that Miss Trista is BY FAR the best qualified person for this job!
PS: She claims credit for campaigning the White House to pass recent national mask mandate; but is now urging penalties for kens & karens (#trumpers, basically!) who are endangering everyone’s health’ – YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT ! #Justice4Jan6 & #Trump4Prison!
TRISTA4CHANGE.COM – follow blog for daily updates!
TIKTOK: @Trista4Congress/ ##Trista4Prez: I go ‘live’ & do #FarmyardASMRs #ComfortAmerikkka w/#rootsreggae to help us all UNIFY ; & heal; from PTSD as a nation from the last four, HARD Yrs!!
INSTAGRAM: @Trista4Congress
FB: Trista di Genova
YOUTUBE; @Trista4Congress
I’m asking as many ppl as possible to follow me cross-platforms, so one day we can hold FIRST-EVER #Article5PeoplesConvention. #termlimits #abolishelectoralcollege
Here are some press shot if u wanna write any features articles in yer publication/s; or please announce a free gardening podcast & playlist I have. #AFROSOULSISTATRiSTA, feat @kingshilohsoundsystem !
Miss di Genova is a trained ethnobotanist who studied tropical agriculture in depth & wrote celebrated field guide to indigenous use of plants in Taiwan.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone #breaking #political #news #2024 #potusrace2024 #womeninpolitics
Hi 👋@potus/@FLOTUS, as #presidentialcandidate2024, I call on u to do the following to save our country from the nefarious interests now plaguing the entire planet: https://t.co/vkd0K9Wt6v
If u don’t, no big surprise because w/all due respect yer part of the problem. TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #ViralVideo
PS: HAVE THE #JusticeDepartment Sue 45 for #domesticterrorism! That’s what I would do!!
@abc @SVDate @newshour @cnn @nbc @msnbc @cbs @pbs @npr @democracynow @DNLive @sky @guardian @nytimes @latimes @chicagotribune @washingtonpost @huffpost @motherjones @rollingstone @johnmellencamp @patriciaarquette @janefonda @gloriasteinem #majorityleaders@dscc Feminist Majority @supermajority @nwpcnational @blmtucson @blmwisconsin #breaking #trending #goviral #viral #news #funny #comedy @trevornoah @dulcesloan @desilydic @roywoodjr @iamjohnoliver @stephenathome @thedailyshow @billmaher @latenightwithseth @comedycentral @gabrieliglesias @chrisrock @davechappelle @eddiemurphy @krishnamoorthi @speakerpelosi @senschumer @amyschumer @jerrynadler @repsylviagarcia @repjasoncrow @repvaldemings @repalgreen @repbarbaraboxer @
#blm #antitrump #protests #trump4treason #trump4prisonNOW!! #lockthemallUP @MADDOW @cnn @cspan @politico @thehill @kgun9 @kvoa @fox