Conservatives are so hateful! All they do is #conqueranddivide; that is the #Republican MO. They know it works to demonize #TheOther”. It is time to put these #sorelosers in their place. Now, it has come to everyone’s attention, that the #Jan6 #trumphumpers who attacked the #USCapitol, bludgeoned to death 💀 #OfficerSicknick; & wiped their #sh+t on the walls of Congress; & fn set up GALLOWS, screaming bloody murder, literally: #HANGPENCE!! they chanted. #HANGPELOSI!! And #thedemocrats – who STILL haven’t called out their colleagues in the #houseofrepresentatives and #USSenate, like #Hawley, #MTG, #Boebert – for having ORCHESTRATED & CONSPIRED #TRE45ON! WHERE IS THE #JUSTICE4JAN6th? Guess the democrats are too weak-willed and #corrupt themselves, or else they would have MONTHS AGO : #EXPELLED about 175 Retrumplikkkunts who TO THIS DAY perpetuate the #sedition of #TheBigLie – the 2020 fn elections were #rigged, etc etc. 2) #SHUTDOWNFOX & name them as co-conspirators! Break up the #mediamonopoly! ALL JAN6 INSURGENTS WERE FAUX VIEWERS! Then, CALL 📞 CONGRESS & DEMAND RIOTERS *AND* GQP CONGRESSMEMBERS charges w/#sedition & #TRE45ON! It’s the ONLY WAY WE CAN PROGRESS AS A NATION!
TRISTA4CHANGE.COM – call congress 202-224-3121 and GIVE EM HELL !!! 😊