Here’s the podcast for the #blind, in which I read a feed from Twitter prison about how badly so many Americans 🇺🇸 want to see this entire regime #lockedup for #murder:–I-READ-MAJORITY-OF-USAWANTS-TRUMP-REGIME-TRIED-FOR-MURDER—CRIMES-V–HUMANITY-entou3
PaulAlexander worked for the #USDOH for six months, ‘advising’ officials to ‘let them get infected’ – to let Covid ‘spread around’ in order to inhibit spread! He was pushing #herdimmunity in #July; #WhoCaresIfTheyGetSick, he said. From Twitter jail (my account was suspended again! – but I can still ‘observe’ Twitter & read to the #blind, on this podcast! Of course Twitter’s #secret #algorithm dictates I read posts from followers first, but I was heartened to read from my #twitterjail how many Americans feel like I do. A majority of us feel this entire administration should be put on trial for #murder; #massmurder ; #crimesagainsthumanity. Of course, #trumptrolls were everpresent, w/their blank profile photos, spouting BS about #communism & the #MSM. Btw, Twitter suspended my account after I told the @WSJ, or @financialtimes, perhaps it was – that ‘imho this kkkriminal admin should all be on 💀 row for #treason and #terrorism” – I thought 💭 that was pretty lightweight stuff, actually, compared to the drivel on FF NAzi arsehole #trumpolini’s Twitter feed. His Tweets have been flagged over 💯 times since Election Day! Poor FF doesn’t wanna be a fn LOSER 🎚