I heard #MattyBeats offerings on #Tiktok, & wanted to play. I left glowing encouragement on all his work. As #musicproducer, he invites other ‘rappers’ to provide ‘bars’ for his ‘beats’ – very hip tracks indeed.
Then, 2 days ago, I discovered (for myself at least!) a young woman of #prodigious #comicgenius. On Tiktok, her name is #DeadeyeBrakeman, calling herself writer & performer. Sometimes Kylie (her real first name, apparently) uses a voice-changing effect and kind of ‘sings’ her comedy schpiel.
It struck me how fun 🤩 it would be to put some of #mattybeats tracks behind it.
so I started, & I got addicted! Hope you do, too.
If you like 👍 it & wanna be a doll & SHARE & BLOW THIS UP ⬆️ 💣 on social media, please!
Thanks & hope this helps to #SootheAmerikkka- #comfortamerica 🇺🇸