The WORST US PRESIDENT IN HISTORY! True – So how is it he managed to succeed in #brainwashing #74million of his #cult45 followers. #Faux – #fakenews? And these #antimasking #GOP ‘Rethuglican #stategovernors like #Douchey in #Arizona; #Kemp & #deSantis ; they have ALL got to go. All the blatantly obvious #corrupt ones have to go; & #FACECHARGES- like #Loeffler & #Perdue, who made #million$ off #InsiderTrading using #secretinformation obtained in #covidbriefings on #TheHill. #SenLoeffler & #SenPerdue – who #fortunately lost their #outrageous bid for re-election despite their #blatant & #heinous acts of #corruption; are the richest member of #USCongress, & ‘BYfar- the most prolific stock trader’, in Congress, #respectively. All #126Traitors who signed on for this #bloody #revolution; #insurrection – this #sedition, #conspiracy, fn #TRE45ON & #electionfraud #culprits have got to go!!! 👎 These #TrumpMobs need to go to jail just like 👍 the #BLM #PEACEFUL ☮️ ✌️ protestors; #Trumptards are always the ones #killing #innocentpeople & carrying out #destruction of #public & #privateproperty. They’ve been #instructed by #tfump himself, through the #terroristorganization (at least according g to the #FBI! 😂) #ChrisCuomo calls ‘em #Retrumplicans; I #laughed when I read #Republicunts the first time on #Instagram 😆 How bout #Retrumplicunts ? Btw, where are the fn @FBI when it comes to locking up ⬆️ all those fn #AmericanInsurgents, & basically, domesticterrorists- u know, the #WhiteSupremacists’, #OurGreatestThreat, according to you, the #FBI? lol 😂- TRISTA4CHAMGE.COM – 🇺🇸 everybody call 📞 Congress demand yer representative VOTE TO #ImpeachAgain! And ##THANKRepIlhanOmar for #drafting #articlesofimpeachment. Shoulda been done ☑️ after the #muslimban; & even as early as the #2016inauguration- when he #LIED about the #crowdsize when there was photographic evidence it was #pisspoor #turnout. That’s #breachofpublictrust, man! Pure & simple. DONT FORGET- call ☎️ The WORST US PRESIDENT IN HISTORY! True – So how is it he managed to succeed in #brainwashing #74million of his #cult45 followers. #Faux – #fakenews? And these #antimasking #GOP ‘Rethuglican #stategovefnors like #Kemp & #deSantis have got to go. All the blatantly obvious corrupt ones have to go; & #FACECHARGES- like #Loeffler & #Peddue, who made #million$ off #insiderrrading; the richest member of #USCongress, & ‘BYfar- the most prolific stock trader’, in Congress, #respectively. All #126Traitors who signed on for this #bloody #revolution; insurrection – this #sedition, #conspiracy, fn #TRE45ON & #electionfraud #culprits have got to go!!! 👎 #ChrisCuomo calls ‘em #Retrumplicans; I #laughed when I read #Republicunts the first time on #Instagram 😆 How bout #Retrumplicunts ? Btw, where are the fn @FBI when it comes to locking up ⬆️ all those fn #AmericanInsurgents, & basically, domesticterrorists- u know, the #WhiteSupremacists’, #OurGreatestThreat, according to you, the #FBI? lol 😂- TRISTA4CHAMGE.COM – 🇺🇸 everybody call 📞 Congress demand yer representative VOTE TO #ImpeachAgain! And ##THANKRepIlhanOmar for #drafting #articlesofimpeachment. Shoulda been done ☑️ after the #muslimban; & even as early as the inauguration- when he #LIED about the #crowdsize when there was photographic evidence it was #pisspoor #turnout. CONGRESS 202-224-3121 🇺🇸-TRISTA4CHANGE.COM DONT FORGET ! Call 📞 CONGRESS 202-224-3121 🇺🇸-TRISTA4CHANGE.COM