This bunt GAVE A GUIDED TOUR of Congress to a coterie of right-wing religious gun nuts π₯ the day before she helped lead #1776β -a #terrorist attack on the #USCapitol #Jan6, that left 5 dead π! GET OFF YER LAZY LARDASSES, AMERIKKKA, & BUG π CONGRESS! 202-224-3121 & MAKE SURE #MTG DONT GET AWAY W/IT! So far 50 #democrats have signed on to REMOVE HER- so BUG π THE REST AND MAKE SURE THEY SUPPORT the Resolution, too! MAKE SURE OUR CONGRESS PURGES ALL THESE FN TRAITORS & #LockThemAllUP !!! π & THROW AWAY THE FN KEY π!! #DRAINTHESWAMP2021 #Trump4Prison TRISTA4CHANGE.COM πΊπΈ