This article from #Politico – #LetterFromWharton – discusses how #UniversityOfPennsylvania administrators have been bought off by #Trump donation$ of over $1 million dollars 💵, no doubt to buy their silence. Faculty & staff have all been put under a gag rule, too preventing them from making any comments about FF Nazi ass-dump 🍊 🤡. Wonder if that applies to retired or former faculty? Or if any of his teachers at #Fordham would like to comment 😆 . I read elsewhere #Trump threatened #Wharton – like the good #thug he is- with litigation if they released his #academictranscripts lol 😂. He obviously #lied countless times, claiming he #graduated from #Wharton ‘at the top of his class’. FOUR THOUSAND in the #Whartoncommunity – including 30 professors – have signed an #openletter #denouncing #Trump’s #racism of the #Muslimban – which lame-o chancellor #Gutmann called a ‘disgrace’ when it is actually #unconstitutional, lady. The only thing #PennState can do to retain its integrity or preserve its reputation is to RETURN THE MONEY 💰 HE GAVE YOU! Then, GROW A PAIR 🏀 ⚽️ & disavow him as a student 👨🎓!! In @MaryLTrump’s best-selling #TooMuchAndNeverEnough, it was REVEALED #PresidentDump #cheated to get into #Penn. This Fr never read a book 📖 in his life- the only thing he reads is #MeinKampf before going to bed & having a bedside chat with #SeanInanity of #Faux ‘news’. As his #niece #MaryLTrump pointed out, Trump can’t read or write ✍️ because he has ‘undiagnosed reading disability’ & hired someone named #AlShapiro to take his test for him. Moreover, #Trump’s older sister – Mary the Federal judge – did all his homework for him. Why the F does this guy have the permanent get outta jail free card & never has to be held to account for fuck-all? Unless Penn distance themselves from this presidential piece of garbage 🗑, this arsehole WILL drag down the school with him. They will NEVER 👎 recover in their standing if they don’t immediately REVOKE HIS DIPLOMA 🙂 TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #DailyPennsylvanian @PhiladelphiaInquirer @ap #BREAKING #OPED @Politico #comedy #politics @TheDailyShow with @TrevorNoah – #TristadiGenova is #candidate for #DailyShowCorrespondent 🙂 – valedictorian st #SDCC & an honors graduate of #UcBerkeley, #OxfordUniversity & #TaipeiMedicalUniversity TRISTA4CHANGE.COM 👩🎓