Most people don’t know – & frankly don’t care cuz art suffers under fascist dictatorship – that I’ve been in two bands before. I went solo for a couple years. Now I’m flyin’ solo again
Trista&TheEdibles: The last album with TATE – SPOKEN WORD VIRGIN – is ‘spoken word’ – poetry from my book, THE WAR ON SLEEP – set to music, just like The Doors of Perception’s last album, American Prayer. All original stuff on that last album; otherwise, TATE & I mostly did very awesome covers of everybody’s favorite rock anthems. Sing It Don’t Bring It! may otherwise be my fave TATE album; it’s got a few Elvis covers that are pretty amazin’. A link to Youtube playlist of TATE Albums is here.
Early recordings performing with Bandmatey on 4th Ave on weekends are available here.
My solo album, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, recorded on a Taiwan mobile, in ‘Bakersfield’ Park at Tamkang University in Taiwan; & at my buddy’s pub, Chez Maurice where I had two Christmas Eve solo shows.
The Tourists/RADIO BANCIAO/Radio Turistiki di Banciao: playlist of RB official albums is here. MANNA FROM HEAVEN, NO FRILLS JUST THRILLS, & FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT! are just a few of these fricken super-albums – lots of comedy, rock, country, even Taiwanese-style. There’s everything in it. Mark Perrault, our Canadian bass player used to call us a ‘Country & Eastern’ band. To me, it was Pure Comedy & World music in me living room in Panciao City, Taiwan, with my friends – a cosmopolitan bunch o’ players from Japan, Canada, Australia, Taiwan & USA. We played several gigs around Taiwan – including The Living Room Taipei, Chocolate & Love, DV8, Live at Hoping Peace Festival. Some bandmembers went off & started their own band, or hiphop crew!
TRISTA’S TRICKS & TIPS: In ‘coronavirus comfort zone’, one of my podcasts, I give a free lesson about how people can teach themselves guitar – fast & easy & free – like me! 🙂 ha I used to teach little kids how to play guitar & sing their favorite English songs in Taiwan – cake job, huh!