#TristasTips&Tricks !! #LetsGreenUp is the name of my #new #desert #gardening show. In this #series I’ll pass on my knowledge of #gardening #hacks & #tips that I’ve picked up along the way. My grandpa, Emil was #nurseryman all his life, btw; & had radio gardening show and taught at #agriculture #university in #Connecticut. My uncle Bill has nursery in #Massachusetts; so we all have green thumb!
A lot of people mayn’t realize how #lucky we are to have year-round #beautiful #sunny #weather here in #TucsonArizona. Basil is just one of the #superfoods you can grow in yer own #herbgarden or #permaculture #foodforest. Me, I studied #ethnobotany #nutrition & #obesity research at #TMU in Taipei, Taiwan – & studied #howtocook #italian & #ThaiCuisine; BOTH use lots of basil! This is #Genovese basil, so it reminds me of my dear mum! ❤️BASIL is also good #insectrepellant, btw ❤️Another #tip #howto #grow tons of #basil- pinch off any flowers to previous node- & it’s a #perennial ! 😁 #Nutritionally it’s #superfood! Shoutout to #azbackyardgardeners on Facebook! @azcentral @arizonadailystar @epicgardening @tucsonbotanical @uagardenkitchen @dbgphx @missiongarden @gardenandgun @hellogardenlovers @arizonacooperativeextension @arizonasfamily @arizfamhealth @azfamilyguide @azfamilyadventures @discoveryla @discovery_earth @repaoc @michelleobama #italianpride🇮🇹 #irishpride🍀 #thaipride🇹🇭 #taiwanpride 🇹🇼TRISTA4CHANGE.COM – PLS FOLLOW ON IG & YOUTUBE:) if u want more #cookingtips & #gardeningtips! & #WEARAMASK !!