KEEP IN MIND : the contrast in BLM ✊🏾 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS being charged with #terrorism & languishing in fn jail; whilst #TRUMPTERRORISTS – with their ties to #lawenforcement, #hategroups condemned by FBI for being #whitesupremacist #terroristgroups – which not only pose the NUMBER ONE ☝️ THREAT to #publicsafety in this country 🇺🇸. The #Jan6 #capitolrioters […]
Tag: Jan6
138 Rethuglicans are fn TRAITORS-so don’t swear ‘em in!
Support #new #democratic #representative #CoriBush in her #promise to #holdaccountable all these fn #Retrumplicunts who #aidedAndAbetted the #domesticterrorists – #kkk & #whitesupremacist #rioters who #besieged the #USCapitol #Jan6, killing 5. Mr FF nazi-in-thief — 🍊 🤡 #LIED – of course- & said he sent in nationalguard. Nazi FF #tRump did NOTHING of the kind- never […]