There are too many criminals Runnin’ free – that’s why I’m running πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ for Governor of Arizona.
Id mail a letter of this to arizonadailystar, but they NEVER πŸ‘Ž fn publish my letters – so GFY toilet 🚽 paper πŸ“„ rag !!! Lol πŸ˜‚ YOU SUCK, ANYWAY!! #AbloshTheMediaMonopoly !! Call ☎️ fn Congress, everybody, do YOUR fn job, to bite the ankles of the a$$holes in power!

HEY πŸ‘‹ USG- #CEASEANDDESIST SUPPRESSING MY PODCAST, frs!!!!! And #CeaseAndFnDesist trampling on all our #civilrights! #GFY!!’ IF U ARE ONE OF THE CENSORS GEOFENCING ME, WHEN I AM ARIZONA GOVERNOR – I WILL FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE AND YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #legaltimes #StrikeDownPATRIOTACT πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ You a$$holes – the same ones who haven’t locked up πŸ” πŸ†™ entire TrumpFamily & fn naziregime- YOU are the real anarchists & terrorists around here! In our country – which ff Nazi assfump trump turned into a #ShitholeCountry in only 4 yrs – #TerroristsWearABadge & literally get away πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ with murder & #insurrection. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #LockThemAllUP! Do yer fn patriotic duty to DO US ALL A FAVOR : #DefundEverything & dismantle the totalitarian, Orwellian fn horrible fascist mass surveillance neonazi dictatorship we currently have. THE IDLE ARE COMPLICIT, fs!!!! So get off yer lazy, traumatized arses & CALL ☎️ CONGRESS : 202-224-3121 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ DEMAND IMMEDIATE PASSAGE OF HR25- which would REMOVE ALL THE GOP TRAITORS OVERNIGHT !! They orchestrated it; they -all 150 or so β€˜legislators’- They are TRAITORS; & NO TRAITORS CAN SERVE IN OUR CONGRESS!! I’m charging them all with fn #TRE45ON !! ☎️ frs! #repcoribush πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ TRISTA4CHANGE.COM – experimental #arts #afrobeat #nigeria #blackoresident #blm365 #best #new #hot #comics #improv #comedycentral #trevornoah #dulcesloan #roywoodjr #variety #rollingstone
