#ImWearingOrange on #FourthOfJuly; in solidarity w/ #Canada’s #AntiCanadaDay Contingent. I say we turn 4th of July into #LadyJusticeDay; a day to TEACH About all the collective misery placed on ALL of us by the White Man ! #lol I can’t wait til everybody is well APPRISED of what even the @FBI has acknowledgednto be the #No.1! GREATES THREAT TO (ALL) of our security: #whitesupremacists. It’s right-wing uberchristian-conservatives; #BrainwashedByFox, ALL OF THE JAN6’rioters’ were #Fox Viewers. Btw: on our first #LadyJusticeDay, The #ACLU will guide us in #CivilRightsTeachIn!