Here’s the related podcast:–TRAITORS-NOW-SO-US-CAN-MOUNT-PROPER-COVId–RESPONSE-eo6rls

Trista diGenova-CHANG is an honors graduate of the world’s finest educational institutions: Oxford 🐂, Berkeley, IEP, Grenoble; Stockholm University, & Taipei Medical University; as well as honors graduate 👩‍🎓 of #Pima & SanDiego City Colleges, where she served in the student senate & became Student Body President. You can follow her on Instagram, Tiktok & Youtube, for. now. Her podcast, #STICKITTOTHEMAN is free on all #podcast platforms, #Spotify, #Anchor #Apple and so on.

More than half a million Americans 🇺🇸 will die needlessly, unless we IMMEDIATELY remove, force/drive outta office / or otherwise force them to resign / but they keep tellin us, he ain’t gonna leave without kicking 🦵 & cryin’, like a babe / besides the congress – OUR fn Congress just decided NOT to give us a paltry $2000 for the past 10 months! / So I say, FUCK EM ! / That’s what they’re sayin tk us, every day / they allow this CS to remain in office / so we gotta flush em out, 💦 like turds 💩/ we gotta flush em out like the decrepit old fucks they are 🎶/ hallelujah! When the last of em is safely behind bars / &!you & I can kiss 💋 again in bars / 120 days we’ll wait/ til the threat of Covid’s gone away /
TRISTA4CHANGE.COM – btw my father, the famous & #legendaryChipFyn, also had a stutter. My jokes within are by no means personal, as I intensely admire the #emergencyphysician #Cleavon- he is right, & all doctors and medical personnel should stand up for US 🇺🇸- GO ON #STRIKEUSA 🇺🇸 #NationalStrike #GeneralStrike @aclu @naacp #blm #BlackLivesMatter #Breaking #oped #cnn #cspan #pbs #huffpost @maddow @trevornoah @comedycentral @abc @nbc @washingtonpost @nytimes

Trista diGenova-CHANG is an honors graduate of the world’s finest educational institutions: Oxford 🐂, Berkeley, IEP, Grenoble; Stockholm University, & Taipei Medical University; as well as honors graduate 👩‍🎓 of #Pima & SanDiego City Colleges, where she served in the student senate & became Student Body President. You can follow her on Instagram Tiktok & Youtube, for. now. Her podcast, #STICKITTOTHEMAN is free on all #podcast platforms, #Spotify, #Anchor #Apple and so on.