#GOPTraitors should NOT be allowed to actually stay in congress !? And vote on whether to start a commission to investigate their OWN #TRE45ONous acts on #Jan6, attacking the #UScongress like insane children; killing police officers (bluelivesmatter / #alllivesmatter) ; smearing their sh+t all over the wall; setting up gallows to #HANGPENCE & #HANGPELOSI! Strip him of his presidential perqs, too! Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for that sh+t!! Charge ALL these frs w/TRE45ON, #sedition, #terrorism & tRump- #eectionfraud. YOU KNOW what I’ll do when I’m in congress – if u have any doubts or interest check out my #viral #trending #tiktok vids! #bestofinsta #instareels & SUPPORT ME & my campaign! Pls share – @DHS is geofencing me! #ceaseanddesist mfrs !!! TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #lol #risas #comediante #lolreels #politics #women @supermajority @nwpc @latimes @nytimes @arizonadailystar @azcentral @dscc