So what if #NaziTrump lives Rent-free in our heads! That is all part of the process of HOLDING GQP TRAITORS ACCOUNTABLE! WE MUST PURGE CONGRESS OF GOP TRAITORS!! DEMAND #JUSTICE4JAN6, America – if u know what’s good for you! And send me – TRISTA to Congress! We need a slate of #progressives to TAKE OFFICE ACROSS THE COUNTRY, so we can beat back the tide of fascism! That means CHARGE #MarjorieTaylorGreene, #LaurenBoebert #joshhawley etc w/ TRE45ON; #EXPEL THEM! ; & STRIP THEM of any & all congressional perqs! If u agree & wanna support my senate campaign, SHARE THIS VID, pls !! I’m being geofenced by #DHSGFY! TRISTA4CHANGE.COM @repalgreen @repmaxinewaters @repilhan @repayannapressley @senmarkkelly @tucsonweekly @repswalwell @repjerrynadler @repvaldemings @senwarren @senatorwarner @supermajority @thehill @washingtonpost @rollingstone @motherjonesmag #trending #bestofinsta #funnyreels #breaking #pov #viral #instagood @insta_lawyers @legal.times @nowthispolitics @dscc @senatedems @raphaelwarnock @jonossoff @repcoribush @tishjames2018 @_department_of_justice @potus @kamalaharris