#lol#GoodMorning #CorporateMedia: it just occurred to me during the making of this #ASMR to comfort traumatized members of the media for their experiences during #trumpregime and #trumpvirus. All the fired journalists, removed from their position or demoted as a result of Mr #tRump’s bullying and intimidation, as he quite literally used the position of president -” the most powerful man ♂️ in the world” 🌎’ so they always say, just for four years of the #bullypit.
Everyone should thank a media member today, personal heroes of mine like #svdate & #yamichealcindor; there’s brave souls who stood up to a brutal, gestapo-like presidential REGIME. The last four years were not a presidential administration, it was a brutal dick-tatorship.
Maybe the 200+ journalists suing tRump”s #DHS after police attacked them, so they wouldn’t cover the #peaceful #blmprotests, should FILE SUIT for all the times he attacked u at rallies & #incitedviolence against IS- For I, too am along-standing member of the international media. Your #corporatemedia employers have really screwed everybody over, in a myriad of ways. That’s why we need to #ReformTheMedia. We gotta: kick out 🦵 the spooks, get em off the payroll. We go otta #breakupthemediamonopoly, as currently: SIX CORPORATIONS OWN ALL THE FN MEDIA !! That translates to ME, personally, NEVER GETTING ONE LETTER TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHED, even after submitting probably THOUSANDS OF THEM! Plus, I in now personally from my days of being exploited as foreign community page editor for The China Post in Taiwan: they uniformly pay slave wages; they make u do job that used to be the job of a TEAM of about five people; & they’ll fire 🔥 u if u do too good of a job. Ninety percent of all newspaper content -20 yrs ago, mind u- were ‘wire stories’ & they had only ONE local reporter to write ✍️ all local stories – my mentor, Kenneth liu, who’d been UDN editor in chief.
I’m not playing- let’s as journalists file a class action lawsuit against Mr tRump, out of principle; remember those, mfrs? & just as a belated attempt to keep the profession safe from tyrants.
#nwpc #blmpac #breaking #viral #trending @netflix @comedycentral #mediamatters #news #featureideas @mattdamon @reesewitherspoon #morningquotes #womeninpolitics