PS I studied public/community health, nutrition & #obesityresearch as honors grad of #TaipeiMedicalUniversity. It was my wish to help my sister, Tam to get down to healthy weight. But she resented any #advice from her ‘kid sister’, unfortunately and #cancer consumed her from, I believe, her #poordiet- #sugarydrinks; tons of cheese and other things that are terrible for yer body. I also learned the importance of at LEAST 30 mins of exercise every day; yoga is an incredibly beneficial practice, as is #meditation. I was pleased to learn that #gardening is as good #workout as going to the #gym!! 😂STAY HEALTHY, EVERYONE! And #BLAMETRUMP! Demand #JUSTICE4JAN6TH ! I, @Trista4Congress stand by the #CapitolPolice officers in their account of a “#MobOfTerrorists”! Sounds about white 😂