Intro: Comedy skit ‘Bad Neighbors’. Then: @DemocracyNow coverage of 4 #CapitolPolice officers incl. #Fanone, #AquilinoGonell, #DanielHodges & #HarryDunn- all fn HEROES, in my book. In what they describe as a #terroristmob that nearly crushed #hodges to death & tased him ‘over and over and over’. Sick, man !! #BlueLivesMatter!!! The #TrumpTerrorists – who said they were ‘sent by Trump’ at the #Insurrection; but tried to tell fn #corporatemedia and #FBIInvestigators they were #ANTIFA!!!!! #lol This is the closest these #Rethuglikkkunt CS get to being #comedians!! TRISTA4CHANGE.COM 🇺🇸😊👍❤️💕🇺🇸😊👍🎸PS ELECT ME TO CONGRESS i SHALL GIVE EM HELL, man 🕺