A fEW #PSAs today: DEMAND A NATIONAL MASK MANDATE! That will get Karens & #Retrumplikkkunt governorsblike #Abbott in #Texas; #RonDeathSentence in #Florida; & #Douchey right here in #Arizona to #stfu. Another important point- when u see #bootlickingtrumphumpers #harassing & #bullying others on #socialmedia- OF U SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!! Report these CS so they get booted 🥾🥾🥾🥾off social media! And, it’ll u wanna be #TRUEPATRIOT; not a fn #faketriot like #trumpers- CALL CONGRESS 202-224-3121 DEMAND #GOPTraitors LOCKED UP NOW!! #hawley; #mtg #boebert etc etc etc – FIRE 🔥🔥THEM ALL! #LOCKTHEMALLUP for Gd #TRE45ON; and throw away the key !! 🔑😊👍now won’t THAT be nice !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #pov #viral #trending #blowitup #followback @nytimes @washingtonpost @cnnpolitics @politico @arizonadailystar @azcentral @tucsonromero @senmarkkelly @berniesanders @repaoc @repjayapal @speakerpelosi @senschumer @ourwomeninpolitics @nwpc_national @blmpac @dailywildcat @latimes @tucsonantirepression @dsa_tucson @pimadems @dscc @ml