About #domesticterrorist #KyleRittenhouse being extradited to #Wisconsin to face homicide charges as an adult (haha! ): Good! ADD #Terrorism charges & the #deathpenalty for #kylerittenhouse, why don’t u! Charge his MOTHER for aiding & abetting her terrorist child; & charge #kenoshapd 🐖🐖 & #sheriffmiskinis for #aiding&abetting #terrorists!
There is @DemocracyNow footage made by an independent filmmaker that shows #Kenoshacops giving water to Rittenhouse & other young terrorists they were aiding & abetting.: ‘WE APPRECIATE YOU GUYS- WE REALLY DO,’ the #kenoshapd broadcast to #rittenhouse & others. Charge those cops! Seize his phone records; he was front row at Trump rally in January- bet he shared a little convo with the President before his little #terrorstrike! He was a ‘public safety cadet’ for #kenoshaPD ! Therefore, the #KenoshaPolice are #complicit & should be fn CHARGED WITH #AIDINGANDABETTINGTERRORISTS!
EVERYBODY – WRITE ME IN FOR SHERIFF- I’LL DO IT, & much more!! It’s time to #DrainTheSwamp2020! We need to start locking 🔒 up the REAL criminals in society!

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