Tag: #tiktok #Trump4prison #LockThemAllUP #impeachAgain #treason #coronavirus #epidemic #COVID-19 #testing #contacttracing #oped #kgun9 #nytimes #washingtonpost #latimes #trista4sheriff

Trump wants to ban Tiktok in the US! He can SUCK IT! !

TRISTA’s RESPONSE: Typical #fascist! Why doesn’t Congress #impeachAGAIN & #remove both him & co-nazi #pence, after breaking every American law we’ve got? Like Uncle Chomsky says, there should be mass protests, until the swamp kkkriminals are dragged out of that White House bunker, in cuffs! Bring yer tasers! lol #NoMorePresidentJimJones! Give us our #PresidentPelosi, & […]