To me, Seems #corporatedems, the #USCongress, #lawenforcement etc are #complicitaf. There’s Misinformation on social media r.n. about people supposedly being led off planes or dragged off in the airport. Then it turns out those video postings are from older, unrelated events- it’s like the fn complicit police 🐖 in this country are covering up the FACT only a handful of those fn #domesticterrorists who #stormedthecapital Jan6 are actually being held #accountable for their treachery & fn #tre45on. They’re also literally getting away with #murder of #capitolpolice officer 👮♀️ #BrianSicknick, 42, a combat #veteran & Trump supporter, even. Bet #Sicknick would be shocked that his pos #presidenttrump never even said a fn word about his death ,💀 publicly. tRump truly couldn’t give even one Fcuk about the lives of the 5 people who died that day, directly as a result of HIS #incitingviolence – he, #tRump, #DonJr, #RudyGuiliani, #TedCruz & #RepJoshHawley & 126 fn #GOPtraitors in both houses of Congress- all must be tried as traitors to their country. Let that go down in history, the day our president did his damnedest to start #CivilWar. And stupid fn #complicit #donothingCongress- via @speakerpelosi – only when THEIR ferritory had been #besieged – the seal of the #HouseSpeaker was stolen from #NancyPelosi’s office; some of her mail stolen (which should engender felony #mailtheft charges, if this country actually functioned anymore), & her office ransacked. Some members of this #ArmedAndRacist #TrumpMilitia brought a #noose, & had threatened on social media to #executePelosi on liveTV- this news was reported on #DemocracyNow- 🇺🇸- These Sick fcuks should be hunted down – fn easily by the @fbi and tried for #sedition ##tre45on, I’d wager as Berkeley, Oxford & TaipeiMedicalUniversity – an #honorsgraduate of the worlds best universities – #comedy #progressive #womens #commentary #VanillaIsis
UPDATE: PARLER is currently being mined by the FBI for information as to the identities and treasonous activities of these fn domestic terrorists. I say, NO MERCY! Let those duckers reap what they have sown! 👎