@cbseveningnews : THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN SEXUALLY ABUSED BY PRIESTS OVER PAST 70yrs!!! The #systematicsexabuse was routinely COVERED UP ! As your Senator of Arizona, I will author/co-sponsor legislation ton#TaxTheChurches, and devise a way to make churches #accountable ! #christianitytoday #catholicchurch #sexscandal #priests #childabuse #PS : I SUPPORT CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST THE CatholicChurch! š and if u see this post, SHARE PLS- Iām being geofenced by #DHSGFY #ceaseanddesist mfrs !! #TRISTA4SENATE TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #instareels #news #breaking #scandal @vaticannews @catholicconnect @living_christian @refreshedquotes