Trump makes Nixon look 👀 like KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR

All or ‘leaders’ have failed us

{EXPLICIT CONTENT} #RachelMaddow was spot on in her #reporting of #TrumpCollusion with #Russia. NOTE: IF YOU WERE FIRED 🔥 BY TRUMP, SPILL THE BEANS!! Sing 🎤 🎶 LIKE A FN CANARY! BE A HERO LIKE #LeonJawarsky! Where’s #Berman to testify & write ✍️ letters to the #USSenate about what he knows?!? So #DonTheCon got heads of #CIA & #NSA #DanCoats; & #AdmiralMikeRogers) to cover his proverbial fat & flabby ass & undermine the #RussiaInvestigation- these #traitors are #COMPLICIT!! They refused to divulge to the Senate #JudiciaryCommittee any details about this meeting, in betrayal of their #oath. They are #coconspirators in #perjury, #bribery; #obstructionofcongressionalcommitter; #obstruction of #criminalinvestigation, & on & on. Making false statements etc etc- every day it gets WORSE because of these arseholes who betrayed all of us & our country 🇺🇸 Therefore they are #Complicit in a massive #coverup of FF Nazi ass-dump’s #treasonous activity with Russia 🇷🇺. Keep in mind, people, that #Drumpf owes 1 BILLION to #ChinaCOMMUNISTBank ($120mil); $330 MILLION to Nazi fn @Deutschebank; & an UNDISCLO$ED AMOUNT TO FN Fascist #RussianOligarchs- Since we’re throw in’ round vast $ums of money 💰 here, I bet a GAZILLION RUBLES he owe$ Russian mafia the remainder of that $1billion balance! 😛 This POS’s #Assholery knows no bounds! Where are all the fn #indictments? Why is OUR #JudiciaryCommittee – chaired by @repnadler – #JerryNadler, a #Democrat- why are all those people silent? Wtf is wrong with our so-called ‘leadership’ in America 🇺🇸, so that they let a MOUNTAIN 🏔 OF HIMALAYAN PROPORTIONS of #Evidence PILE UP against this goddamn traitor & #PresidentialGarbage? 🗑 CALL 📞 YER LEGISLATORS; B+TCH ‘EM OUT !! Tell em: TAKE OUT THE TRASH 🗑!!! 202-224-3121 TRISTA4CHANGE.COM #ABC #MSNBC @maddow @oprah @cnn @cbs @nbc #BREAKING #oped =opinion @tucsonstar @azcentral @legaltimes @latimes @trevornoah @thedailyshow @iamjohnoliver @sethmeyers @stephenathome @comedycentral #ladycomics #news #currentevents

wTf is wrong with our so-called ‘leadership’ in this country, that they can’t take out this presidential garbage 🗑??