By Trista di Genova-CHANG

Our Busted two-party system is more of a corporate, vampiristic hegemony & both parties have nearly destroyed our country.

How come Donald Trump, being the wealthiest president ever, is talking of rigged elections and his political opponents spying on his campaigns.

Firstly, you apparently believe the hype that he was wealthy; he was nothing of the kind — he lied about that, too.
Trump defrauded his way onto Forbes list – claiming his father’s wealth as his own & inflating value of his assets.
And Trump’s wealth whilst in office is illegally begotten & should be seized & returned to the public when he is put safely behind bars.
Second, he’s a paranoid narcissist who has a habit of ‘bait & switch’ tactics, like making assertions & then denying ever having made them; or saying the opposite the very next day.
Trump’s been caught lying to the public over 20,000 times, according to Politico.
Psycho-in-chief is also fond of projecting onto others the very type of criminal behaviors & activities he himself is carrying out- it’s a way to deflect attention from himself.
This guy is down for starting wars or assassination of generals to change the focus of the news cycle. That, and character assassination is one of his favorite ways of bullying his way through life.
Trump’s like a juggernaut of criminality; a veritable sh+Tstorm; a modern-day Nazi.
It’s a FACT that his campaign literature and twitter feed are littered with neonazi references, symbolism & associations; Facebook just took one down for using a Nazi triangle symbol used to scapegoat Jews.
He habitually, as a matter of course, retweets Breitbart #fakenews clips & doctored footage, so that Twitter has even created new grounds for restricting posts if they spread misinformation about the #TrumpVirus.
And to address the question of why he’s talking so much about “rigged elections’, there’s a dual purpose for this.
One, they ARE rigged; he’s staying the obvious to the delight of his hardcore alt-right supporters and chagrin of his detractors that Democratic primaries are rigged.
Over and over he said that DNC is rigging elections against #PresidentSanders ‘just like in 2016’.
Fact is, he was actually RIGHT about that. There was blatant election fraud carried out by the #DNC, for all to see in Iowa caucuses, for example.
But equally importantly, he’s talking about ‘rigged elections’ because he is setting the stage for what he is planning to do in November’s elections.
To this purpose, Trump’s ‘corrupted DOJ’ as a member of the boogaloo (racist militia hired by Trump to incite a ‘Second Civil War’) described it, is laying establishing a legal framework for calling another bogus national emergency based on these ‘rigged elections’; that is if it becomes clear he can’t win the popular vote.
Like other narcissists, Trump’s expert at working those polls & manipulating public opinion to try to influence these polls. When they are against him or his chances of election, he castigates them, calls them #fakenews, tries to put them out of business.
Just recently, he’s re-routed public health data on covid infections and deaths that used to go to the CDC; now they must go through the racist White House filter.
This is a malevolent act that further endangers our ability to mount an effective national pandemic response. Basically, he is hobbling it & endangering our lives; or health, safety, well-being & even financial livelihoods.
If these infection & mortality statistics are invisible, he figures he can ‘prove’ this pandemic does not exist – at least in his twisted, psychotic mind.
By the way, we ALL can read his mind, if we wanted to go to that dark place. We all can read the signs that he is so clearly sending us, through his words, actions ‘ symbolism. Whether or not we choose to acknowledge these facts is totally up to each of us as individual.
Even if we refuse to admit what we KNOW is going on (utter Nazism by Hitleresque Chaos artist), it’s STILL GOING ON. On subconscious level, we KNOW this guy is as about as nefarious as it gets.
So by setting the stage with comments about the rigged elections, it is possible for him to lose the election but still stay in power.
There’s an interesting recent article (was it NY mag?) that lays this possible nightmare scenario: He declares national emergency -either for rigged elections or covid or both, it doesn’t matter exactly what grounds- then the electoral college can’t cast THEIR ballots to steal another damn election from the American people-& the elections are thrown to the state legislatures, which are, of course, Republican-dominated, slightly.
If our elections are thrown to the control of state legislatures, they would return Emperor Trump back in office, if they could.
Republicans have shown over & over that like Skull & Bones Society, they all band together like pirates.
The GOP today operates much like the mafia. They band together to defeat the public interest & so they can line their already fur-lined pockets.
Most GOP are corrupted by SuperPAC & Koch Bro money, ‘dark money’ that flooded into Congress after the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which equated corporations with people & opened the floodgates to ‘dark money’ from greedy, malevolent corporate interests.
The GOP senators all acquitted this farken kkkriminal because they’re all in this together .All of got money-laundered campaign contributions from Russian oligarchs. Mitch McConnell makes no secret on his Twitter page, being soooo thankful to his coal lobby contributors – he pinned it to his Twitter profile, & maybe it’s still there to this day!
And all together, of course they’d want to continue looting and pillaging our economy and abusing their positions of power – one of the obvious reasons WE NEED #TERMLIMITS to get rid of these corporate fatcats!
It’s important to point out, that Mr Trump has defunded & essentially privatized the post office – they run out of funds in September – whilst installing his friend as new postmaster who could ostensibly control whether mail ballots are delivered.
PLUS, (sigh) he’s fighting tooth and nail to prevent mail-in balloting or attempts to ensure mail-in balloting in November as a means of vote suppression.
As a matter of FACT, Dear Leader stated publicly – a matter of public record thus easily proved in court- his comment that ‘Republicans would never win any elections’ if more people were able to vote by mail.
To put a nail in the coffin ⚰️ of Free & fair elections, he’s stated he would suspend congress – so this is one argument against not starting a much-deserved second round of impeachment proceedings is he’d probably accuse congress of another ‘witch hunt’ & get his armed militia thugs & henchmen to storm congress members’ offices- again.
However, say Congress should do the right thing, regardless of whether they’re making $ hand-over-fist in campaign donations right now; or whether or not he incites another rebellion.
And if ass-clown DOES suspend congress, then maybe that would galvanize OUR Congressmembers to get off their complacent arses, do their fricken jobs and get rid of this kkkriminal mal-administration.
As @pimasheriff candidate, I would personally volunteer as sergeant-at-arms to go round up all those white-collar criminals that are RUNNIN’ amok in Washington.
I think He wants to be The Last President (did he plant that Ingersoll Lockwood book in the Library of Congress, I wonder?).
If we’re not careful & we just expect nothing more than 2020 elections to go as planned without considerable rigging of his own, we’re screwed, because he has so many tricks up his sleeve.
If we don’t put up a huge fight on our own to protect what’s left of our democracy/republic, and mount our own campaign to defeat him once and for all – #LockThemAllUP & Otherwise, he has the motivation to pull out all the stops & become our Putin, our once & forever king, & is willing – by hook or by crook!- shoehorn his way back into the Oval Office, by any means necessary.
Trump’s using and abusing every possible resource at his fingertips as the Dear Leader of the ‘Free’ World to make sure he has out-moved, out-strategized, out-thunk’ us all.
Despite his bigotry & willful ignorance, he is not stupid; on the contrary he is as wily as a fox when it comes to corruption. And the more we underestimate him & just call him stupid and stuff without actually calling him on all his illegal BS, it’s like Obama making jokes about him at White House correspondents dinner. That humiliation galvanized him into proving him & us all wrong.
His aim in life is lording power over us all, as he claws his way to the top & into that seat of immense power; he’s addicted to it now, & won’t go even if a million people sat in at the White House.
If public opinion says he’s ‘racist’ he’ll deflect that sentiment by calling someone or something ELSE ‘racist’; or promoting Goya foods for the Latinx community, for example.
But actually he’s using the office of President for personal gain again, to cement racist ties to its owner.
He has shown his standard means of ‘Neutralizing’ & canceling out the power of the press – by shouting out his critics viciously & publicly calling for them to lose their jobs.
By stacking the federal courts with infra-conservative judges he’s also investing in his future ability to get off easily or lightly or altogether in all these mountains of lawsuits stacking up against him for when he is finally out of office and can’t use shield of presidential immunity any longer to do basically whatever the hell he wants.
So that is one reason why I’m running for sheriff. If everybody elects me sheriff, I can be America’s Plan B. Elect me sheriff aug4 (or Nov3) & I will personally take it upon myself to #DrainTheSwamp4Realz.
Because this swamp monster has successfully gotten away with a gy-Normous amount of crimes already- and destroyed all of our democratic institutions and short-circuited the checks and balances system by stacking it with his lapdogs & PICs – I reckon he just might succeed in stealing this election, too.
And the Democraps as I call ‘em are ‘dialing for the same dollars’ as the Rethuglicans, & HAVE rigged OUR elections again, putting forward another, very weak candidate indeed.
Does not bode well at all; in fact it STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN like a set-up!
Michael Moore calls these corporate democrats like Biden, Hillary etc as ‘Republican lite’. They are rakin’ in the dough big-time, capitalizing on our hatred of Trump & our fears about this kkkuntry not being able to handle another four years of this madness.
Corporate Democrats are collecting so much $ in campaign donations right now, FAT CHANCE they will do the right thing to save millions of American lives and the US economy: #ImpeachAGAIN; & #Trump4Prison & #LockThemAllUp.
What we really need to do, imho is put Trump, Pence (& Mnuchin & Barr & Miller etc etc etc – pretty much everyone in that administration) safely behind bars, & then we’ll have #PresidentPelosi! Our first woman president ! How cool would that be!! 🙂
Fact is, our Busted two-party system is more of a corporate, vampiristic hegemony & both parties have nearly destroyed our country.