@VP @kamala, too! THANKS for listening to me yesterday and enacting #NationalMaskMandate: NOW ATTACH STIFF FINES to that, to counteract all the #misinformation spread by #Fox ‘news’ & #mrtRump himself. Effectively, 74 MILLION AMERICANS are STILL BRAINWASHED. They are violating OUR right NOT to be exposed to deadly virus -#TrumpVirus- by stupid fn #KarensGoneWild & Kens. These people WILL NOT WEAR MASK unless there is stiff penalty for those who refuse to #COMPLY. I suggest $500. Fcuk em! THEY are the terrorists!! And if u DON’T- they will continue to be emboldened by their past ‘successes’ like getting away with attacking the Capitol #Jan6.And while yer at it: #SHUTDOWNFOX! They are #complicit & enablers of the president #incitingterrorism ! PS: @fbi – DO YER GODDAMN JOB & WE DEMAND #TRE45ON CHARGES AGAINST ALL #INSURRECTIONISTS!