Enjoy! I’ll add more segments as I watch ‘em.
Basically, the Dems did a pretty good job with their propaganda. Its appeal was aimed at especially moderate #rethuglicans -though there aren’t many of those. The #democrats & #DNC shoulda reached out to us #progressives instead of #sharting all over us, & using #PresidentSanders to try to bring all Democrats together, after they #SHAT all over #UncleBernie – #GrandpaAmerica, by #riggingprimaries, both #2016 AND #2020. No doubt this is one of the reasons these #2020presidentialelections are so close- besides mr FF Nazi 🐷 #PresidentDUMP #sabotage of our #USpostalservice- which our stupid, #donothingCongress didn’t even #censure or #REMOVE45 immediately for.
If I were FIRST-EVER SUCCESSFUL ✍️ write-in #pimasheriff or #CongresswomanTrista, I woulda AT LEAST led the fight to throw FF #GOPMegadonor ‘Postmaster’ #DeJoy in fn prison, too – so he couldn’t do what he’s doing NOW- withholding #300000 ballots – basically #felony #mailtheft & #electionfraud.
If I #Trista4Sheriff were in #power instead of these fn #traitors & #terrorists, I’d slap them with #300000ChargesOfMailTheft AND strip their #VotingRights.