Author: admin

Newsbrief: July 28, 2020

TUCSON (AZ) – July 28, 2020: WRITE-IN SHE-RIFF CANDIDATE, TRISTA, SUES TO REMOVE & IMPRISON TRUMP ADMIN! Here is the legal basis & argument of my federal lawsuit against the tyrannical Trump Empire: I, JahTRISTA diGenova-Chang, am suing mr. tRump & his entire kkkriminal administration – essentially a crime family syndicate that should be tried […]

Trump wants to ban Tiktok in the US! He can SUCK IT! !

TRISTA’s RESPONSE: Typical #fascist! Why doesn’t Congress #impeachAGAIN & #remove both him & co-nazi #pence, after breaking every American law we’ve got? Like Uncle Chomsky says, there should be mass protests, until the swamp kkkriminals are dragged out of that White House bunker, in cuffs! Bring yer tasers! lol #NoMorePresidentJimJones! Give us our #PresidentPelosi, & […]

Welcome to me blog! I’m a volunteer & closet comic in public service, for the public good – a cross between Carlin & Nader!

Here’s me – TRISTA4SHERIFF2020, shovelin’ horsesh+t on my eco-ranch, an activity that serves as an apt analogy to what I’m gonna do to the Pima County Sheriffs Department, in the public interest, when y’all VOTE FOR ME FOR SHERIFF Aug. 4 & Nov. 3, 2020: I’m a write-in candidate thanks to covid & shifty GOP […]

BRILLIANT TWEETS – July 27, 2020

– RESIGN GOV. PARSONS – How the HELL did Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons get elected? What a stupid hick! & someone who is criminally negligent of his duties! How dare u put at risk our kids? Just go online, dumb arsehole, till yer Nazi prez resigns or gets voted out! #RecallGovParsons!! #ResignMikeParsons!‬ ON VOTING:‪This is […]

Why America pokes its nose in other countries’ affairs

(Response to Quora question)America is ‘poking’ its nose in other countries’ affairs’, to put it lightly, quite simply because the United States has been seized by a brutal & fascist dictatorship. America has long ‘poked its nose’ in the affairs of other countries, because the men in charge of this country are expansionist & greedy […]