Category: Letters to America


Noor Mohamed wants an answer to:How come Donald Trump, being the wealthiest president ever, is talking of rigged elections and his political opponents spying on his campaigns? TRISTA: Firstly, he defrauded his way onto Forbes list (claiming his father’s wealth as his own & inflating value of his assets); & his wealth whilst in office […]

tRump’s DISASTROUS covid response SHOULD impact his chances of winning 2020 election

Trump’s criminally negligent handling of the coronavirus pandemic should – in a normal & just world – tank his chances of re-election. Problem is, he’s willing and capable of ANYTHING & everything, whether criminal, illegal, unconstitutional to assure his success in ‘winning’ another term. He’s also intensely motivated to avoid the avalanche of litigation awaiting […]


Mr Trump will always be remembered as the most divisive & criminal President in American history & as the first US president who was a blatant neonazi. He will be remembered as cruel beyond belief, responsible for millions of American deaths (if he isn’t immediately removed & imprisoned), a sadistic narcissist who broke every law […]

Does trump actually believe he is the antichrist or does he just try to act like one?

Christians SHOULD perceive him as someone who is doing his Absolute best to act like the Anti-Christ. To me, it’s obvious he is satanic, based on not only his actions of disappearing thousands of immigrant children and breaking every damn American law we have; but just contemplate for 1 moment the hardcore symbolism of upholding […]

BREAKING/NEWSTIPS: Tucson Sheriff-to-be TRISTA calls to #IMPEACHAGAIN; urges FL demand DeSantis resign!

July 21, Tucson (AZ) ‪Beware, EVERY1! Trump fully intends to declare nazional emergency to derail 2020 elections! Therefore, WE CANNOT WAIT TIL NOV TO GET RID OF HIM & PENCE! Call Congress 202 2243121-#ImpeachAGAIN! 1❤️!–TO-GET-RID-OF-THE-NAZIS–STICK-IT-TO-THE-MAN-SHOW–wTrista-eguls3‬ STATEMENT ON MR TRUMP FOR OPED PAGE: Mr Trump will always be remembered as the most divisive & criminal […]

Why does Trump lie so much & say crazy stuff all the time?

I think he lies and makes up so much stuff because Donald Trump is what’s called a ‘‘pathological liar’. It’s like he is incapable of telling the truth. Politico has caught him out telling over 20,000 lies, & that’s just the three years he’s been in office. People who are narcissists like Trump – & […]

What will happen by 2024, if Trump gets to serve a second term?

Millions will die from a combination of his genocidal policies. There will be more death camps, hundreds of thousands of his critics will ‘disappear’ – whisked away and buried in mass graves. It’s all a part of the 1 percent’s ‘depopulation plan’. He will kill as many of us as possible. We still won’t be […]


In order to rig our elections, trump will continue doing what he’s doing: not allow mail-in voting- even if he does it himself, for the past decades- & keep complaining about democrats rigging it, which they actually did in the primaries against #PresidentSanders- & then when he knows he’s not gonna win, he’ll declare a […]